Mexico (MX)

Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs

ATA Carnet Guarantee Association

Mexico City National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO)

Paseo de la Reforma No 42 Col Centro CP
06040 Mexico, DF
Tel: 5255.3685.2209 ext 1305
Fax: 5255.3685.2200

Embassy in the U.S.

Mexico Gobierno De La Republica

1911 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20006 USA
Tel: 202.728.1600
Fax: 202.728.1698

U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Mexico Country Portal
Download the Mexico Country Guide

ATA Carnet Specifics

To successfully enter Mexico with your Carnet, please be prepared with the following:

General Requirements:

  • Affix the checklist
  • ATA Carnet must be registered for customs approval before arrival; allow at least 3 days before making an entry.
  • The translation into Spanish may be required for the General List
  • Typically limited to 6 months; extension until Carnet expiry is possible.


Special Notes:

  • To extend the Carnet to its expiry date after the initial stay of six months holders must complete the extension request in Spanish (Carta solicitud prorroga Carnet ATA)
  • Upon submission of the online registration, a registration number will appear on the browser. Please refer this number when asked by Mexico customs at the time of entry.
  • Mexico no longer sends Mexican customs approval via email.
  • Canoco sends registration information to customs within 12-24 hours and it may take three days or more for customs to process the approval.
  • Contact Canaco at (5255) 3685 2269  ext. 1301  for assistance.

Goods not allowed on Carnets into Mexico

  • Ban entry of all vehicles except for cars with mounted film equipment.
  • Vehicles used in a television commercial.

Trade Shows

HAZLO TU MONTERREY: Hazlo tu Monterrey
EXPO PACK MEXICO: Leading packaging and processing show in Latin America
HABITAT EXPO: Security Expo