Taiwan (TW)

Accepts Tecro/AIT Carnets for Commercial Samples and Professional Equipment

ATA Carnet Guarantee Association

Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)

5F, 333 Keelung Road, Sec. 1
Taipei 11012, Taiwan R.O.C.
Republic of China
Tel: (866.2) 2725.5200
Fax: (886.2) 2757.6998
Email: taitra@taitra.org.tw
Website: www.taiwantrade.com.tw

Embassy in the U.S.

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States

4201 Wisconsin Avenue
Washington, DC USA
Tel: 202.895.1800
Fax: 202.363.0999
Email: usa@mofa.gov.tw
Website: www.taiwanembassy.org/US

U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Taiwan Country Portal
Download the Taiwan Country Guide

ATA Carnet Specifics

Tecro/ AIT Carnes are used between Taiwan and the United States.
Special Requirements for identical merchandise visiting ATA Carnet countries and Taiwan.

  • Two carnets must be issued, one an ATA Carnet and the other a Tecro/AIT.
  • The Carnet numbers must be printed on the green covers and cross-referenced.
  • When departing the U.S. both Carnets must be presented to CBP for validation in Box H of the green covers and the yellow exportation counterfoils. Either Carnet can be used for re-entry into the U.S.

Follow these proper steps to handle split/partial shipments with Taiwan Customs.

Taiwanese customs DOES NOT ACCEPT partial shipment for importation on a TECRO/AIT Carnet.

  1. All goods listed on a TECRO/AIT Carnet must be entered into Taiwan in its entirety.
  2. The Holder only needs ONE voucher for records at the time of entry and Taiwan customs stamps and dates the validation on ONE importation counterfoil.

Taiwanese customs ACCEPTS partial/split shipments for re-exportation on a TECRO/AIT Carnet.

  1. For Holders who plan to have split/partial shipments, additional counterfoils/vouchers must be issued before a Carnet is presented for its FIRST entry into Taiwan, but the items and date are not necessary to be indicated to the counterfoils before entry.
  2. The Holder needs to prepare additional counterfoils/vouchers when they first enter Taiwan or they will NOT able to perform split/partial re-exportation on the Carnet after entry is made.

Trade Shows

TAISPO: Taipei International Sporting Goods Show
TIBS: Taipei International Bakery Show
TAIPEI IN STYLE: Fashion & Accessories Fair